
Vet'd: Premier Veterinary Staff Access

Choose Vet’d to access a top-tier candidate pool for both temporary and full-time placements. We provide a gateway to high-quality relief vets and techs, ensuring you find the expertise needed to staff your clinic seamlessly. As an added advantage, our Vet’d University program offers prime visibility to veterinary students from their first through fourth years nationwide, enhancing your recruitment options with the next generation of professionals.

Vet'd: Strategic Relief for Clinic Efficiency

Vet’d is your strategic partner in ensuring seamless clinic operations. Our network of relief vets and techs is committed to providing the resources and staffing required to enhance your clinic’s productivity. With Vet’d, you have the flexibility to post shifts as needed, paying only for confirmed shifts, promoting cost-efficiency in your staffing solutions. This not only allows you to optimize your resources but also serves as a proactive measure to reduce the risk of long-term staff burnout. By choosing Vet’d, you’re making a commitment to a comprehensive and sustainable approach to relief staffing, safeguarding both the efficiency of your clinic and the well-being of your dedicated team.

Vet'd: Support Hub for Career and Community

At Vet’d, we understand the intricacies of relief staff management, and our comprehensive platform is designed to alleviate the burdens associated with the process. From seamlessly handling taxes and issuing W9s to facilitating prompt payments within 48 hours and establishing regular billing intervals, we prioritize efficiency and reliability. Moreover, our commitment to quality shines through as you can review resumes upfront, ensuring not only a skilled team but also a seamless cultural integration into your clinic. With Vet’d, we go the extra mile to enhance your experience in managing relief staff, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – delivering exceptional care to your beloved patients.

Why Vet'd

At Vet’d, our distinction lies in being owned and operated by fellow veterinarians, a factor that sets us apart from other platforms. We understand the unique needs of the veterinary community, and that’s why we’ve designed our platform to be transparent and fair. Unlike some other companies, Vet’d doesn’t impose predatory percentages on the hard-earned income of veterinarians, vet techs, or hospitals. We believe in fostering a collaborative and supportive ecosystem, ensuring that those who contribute to the health and well-being of animals can thrive in their professions without unnecessary financial burdens. 

Join Vet’d, where our commitment to fairness and empathy shapes a better experience for everyone in the veterinary community.

Vetting Experience

Elaborate Rating System

Quick Turnaround

Dedicated Support